Growing up in an environment with my father around who had a great love for all pets, I eventually grew one too. When I was just 6, I lost my father but continued to keep his passion alive.
I brought my 1st ever pair of pigeons, Siraji (Lahori- without boots.) at the age of 10. for Rs.20. within a month of purchase, my birds began to breed and they laid 2 eggs. I, not being experienced enough at that time, didn’t look after them too well. One of the eggs broke while the other hatched a beautiful young male chic. I really loved that experience and feeling. But my mother didn’t really like the idea of me getting into any serious hobby. But she promised to get me more when I was done schooling. I couldn’t resist not having birds so I continued with them. I got more birds, including the ones from my first breeder pair. I started to breed and exchange them.
By the age of 16, I had 30 breeder pairs including fancy and high flyers. I then slowly shifted my interest into parakeets too. By then with enough experience and good luck and a great support of my mother I got my 1st two pairs of budgies and got a really good clutch from them. As I grew older my love for these little things just grew with time. Then when I got married I didn’t know if I would be able to continue with my childhood hobby.
But then I met a wonderful woman, my wife Zahra, who till date has been the greatest help for me. She got an interest too into my passion and forced me to continue. And today it is she because of whom by the grace of god I am considered one of the known aviculturist in India with a wide collection of exotic birds ranging from African Love birds to Macaws. And also thanks to my friends who shared their knowledge with me to look after my birds in a better and appropriate manner. And also thanks to my wife who looks after not only the adult ones but all the little babies too by feeding and rearing them from their day 1 which helps them grow in a way that they can be fun and loved by all. Being around these beautiful gifts of nature, gives me a sense of joy and peace. And I truly can’t imagine my life without these wonderful creations of god...